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Aquinas College Nashville


United States of America (USA)

Study Format

On Campus, Online

Course language


Study Fields

Foreign Languages and Literatures, Linguistics, Literature


Bachelor of Arts (BA)

Tuition Fee

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Program Description

The Bachelor ofArts (B.A.) degree consists of three components – the Bachelor of Arts core, a major area of study, and an optional minor area of study. Thecoreisdesignedtogivestudentsabreadthofexperienceintheliberalarts,

while the English major provides a thorough study of several genres of literature, authors and language.

About the School

Aquinas College is a Catholic institution of higher education in the Dominican Tradition. The College directs all its efforts to the intellectual, moral, spiritual, and professional formation of the human person in wisdom. Students are formed individually and in the Christian community so that the harmonious integration between faith and reason can permeate every dimension of their lives. Immersed in exploring the relationship between human civilization and the message of salvation, the College community embraces the Dominican imperative to preach the Gospel, serve others, and engage culture in truth and charity.

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