This master offers training in humanitarian action and international cooperation geared towards acquiring skills and knowledge useful for project management applied to these fields.
The training is geared towards professional immersion in direct relation with NGOs and international organizations via the organization by students of micro-projects to be carried out with local actors involved in solidarity.
Conference times and targeted educational outings are organized to allow professionals from the sector of activity in connection with the master (Humanitarian and international cooperation). It takes place in a suitable place for this type of meeting and is part of a process of co-construction and partnership with actors of civil society.
Train professionals competent in languages, capable of designing, setting up, and managing projects in a context of cooperation and international solidarity, of animating relations between actors of various cultures both in crisis and post-crisis situations and the framework of development actions.
They will be able to understand a complex environment and adapt to changing situations. The skills acquired will help adapt to many situations (human resources, logistics, financial and administrative management, new technologies, project management, etc.).
These skills will be based on a solid knowledge of economics, geopolitics, and international solidarity project management.
They can intervene within NGOs, international organizations and agencies, and local communities.
The training is aimed at students whose professional objectives are oriented towards humanitarian action and development, with an adequate capacity for adaptation, a critical mind, and an openness to the world and the cultures.
Training expectations:
In addition to fluency in English and a second foreign language (among Italian, Spanish, German and French for foreigners), knowledge in economics, management, geopolitics, and international relations, as well as an excellent general culture and a professional project thought out and oriented towards international solidarity (emergency humanitarian or development).
Targeted professions and professional integration:
Coordinator, coordinator / administrator, project / mission administrator
Project manager
Zone administrator
Headquarters administrator