Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC) offers a graduate program leading to a doctorate in computer science. TTIC is proud of its Ph.D. The program, designed to prepare students for academic or research careers. Graduates have gone on to tenure-track positions at Cornell University, the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, University of Edinburgh, and Purdue University and research positions at MIT CSAIL, Princeton/IAS, Caltech, Google, and Microsoft Research, to name a few.
To complete the Ph.D. a student must make an original and significant contribution to the field of computer science described in a Ph.D. thesis. In addition to the Ph.D. thesis, there are course and examination requirements for the completion of the Ph.D. Every TTIC student is assigned a primary advisor among the Institute’s tenure-track faculty. Besides, students have ample opportunity to work on their research with all TTIC faculty, including tenure-track, research-track, and adjoint faculty, and to collaborate with University of Chicago researchers.