The programme is designed for students who wish to pursue a higher degree in the broad area of applied psychology within a framework of human lifespan development (human cognitive development and human career development) and with a research focus on cognitive development, decision-making, and mental health in the information age. The programme aims to strengthen students’ knowledge of applied psychology and train them to carry out original research independently, critically, and innovatively.
Programme Highlights
The MPhil-PhD programme in Applied Psychology was inaugurated in 2021. Our objective is to develop an elite MPhil-PhD programme in the area of applied psychology, provide students with state-of-the-art knowledge in the research concentration areas of cognitive development, decision-making, and mental health in the information age, and foster the students to carry out original research independently, critically, and innovatively to make significant contributions to the knowledge advancement in psychological science and applications for improving mental health in society.
Our Offer
The programme aims to equip students with interdisciplinary and independent analysis skills, the capability of critical thinking and creativity, global and innovative mindset, which enable students to be professionals at top research universities or leading industries.
The required study duration for PhD is 4-5 years; the longest study duration is 6-7 years.