The Roseman University of Health Sciences' Master of Business Administration Program's Mission is to prepare graduates to be competent business professionals, responsible leaders, entrepreneurial managers, and effective communicators.
All required core program courses will contain the following learning objectives and learning processes, in addition to course-specific objectives and learning processes.
Students will demonstrate how they:
Understand and apply management-based, analytical, and problem-solving knowledge and skills
Build productive teams and work collaboratively with others to achieve excellent results
Communicate effectively in writing, speak persuasively, and work well with others
Apply course content to individual entrepreneurial projects
Understand a company and its related industry
Participate in shared learning processes
The learning process is interactive:
The courses are primarily interactive and emphasize discussion of assigned readings in the text, assigned case studies, and business-related events appearing in prominent business journals and newspapers.
The Instructor leads a class discussion of the homework material and problems that the students are assigned to complete, using active learning strategies to reinforce and help students retain the information.
Students present, assess, and revise assigned case analyses in small groups as the Instructor rotates among groups.
Selected students present and lead case discussions for the entire class. The Instructor moderates the discussion, assesses the performance of presenters and reinforces key concepts.
Students apply course content to their entrepreneurial projects.
Students select a company to study and develop a deep understanding of the company and its related industry.