The Doctor of Acupuncture degrees (Doctor of Acupuncture and Doctor of Acupuncture with Specialization in Herbal Medicine) are offered separately and can also be taken concurrently with the Master of Science in Acupuncture and the Master of Science in Oriental Medicine degrees.
The DAC or DAcHM/MSAC or MSOM programs share the same content, with the doctoral program having additional doctoral competencies in Patient Care (advanced diagnostic studies), Systems-based medicine (patient care systems and collaborative care), and Professional Development (scholarship, research, and evidence-based medicine).
Current graduate-level degree students or those who have graduated within the past 5 years can enrol in both the DAC. and MSAC or MSOM and have their current coursework accepted towards the doctoral degree requirements.
Graduates of 5 years or later, or from other programs, will need their transcripts evaluated to determine credit transfer. Transfer credit will only be awarded for coursework that matches PIHMA’s program objectives and standards for completing the program. There will be additional methods used to determine academic levels of competency for licensed acupuncturists in practice for more than 5 years.