The Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration provides students with the knowledge, experience, and marketable skills critical to success in our fast-paced, global environment. The program emphasizes the effective application of business methods, the use of technology in making business decisions, quantitative reasoning, communication skills, team-based solutions, and ethical decision-making.
Students may choose from concentrations in Accounting, Management, or Marketing. Alternatively, students may choose to complete the general Business Administration degree without a concentration in order to gain a broad background in Business. All students are encouraged to pursue internship and practicum opportunities. The Business Administration degree program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs.
Accounting Concentration
The Accounting concentration focuses on the underlying principles of accounting and their applications to Business. Students concentrating in Accounting pursue successful careers in industry, government, and not-for-profit organizations. Through internship and practicum opportunities, students to gain valuable work experience that can lead directly to employment.
Management Concentration
The Management concentration emphasizes new and creative managerial concepts and practices, developing students into future managers who will become effective leaders in rapidly evolving business environments. Students in the Management concentration develop the knowledge and skills needed to manage and lead both small and large organizations using high ethical standards.
Marketing Concentration
The Marketing concentration provides students with the broad business background and marketing skills necessary to succeed in an increasingly competitive global environment. The program provides students with a thorough understanding of the marketing function and its interrelationship with other business-related disciplines. The Marketing concentration prepares students to pursue careers in marketing, advertising, product management, promotion management, sales representation and sales management, purchasing, retail and wholesale buying, merchandising management, marketing research analysis, e-commerce, logistics and supply chain management, international marketing, and other marketing-related fields.