The decision to return to school is usually made only after a long period of introspection and a thoughtful weighing of costs and benefits. Once you have decided to get an MBA, the next choice takes just as much consideration: Which program?
The Eller Executive MBA offers a distinct choice. The program was built from the ground up, capturing the core body of knowledge critical for an MBA but otherwise very unlike our own traditional and part-time MBA programs as well as many other executive MBA programs.
The difference goes well beyond the schedule is a convenient arrangement of Friday and Saturday classes every other week. The curriculum is also distinctly different, blending business and leadership topics in 13 integrated modules to present information in a way that closely aligns with your experience and challenges in the actual working world.
Our program is residential with Friday-night stays on site, naturally forming a close-knit community of high-level professionals learning from each other and building lasting connections. And unlike many programs, the Eller Executive MBA delivers it all in just 14 months, allowing you to complete your degree and begin the next exciting phase of your career in just over a year.