In today's rapidly changing, wired world, becoming a better teacher requires a hands-on understanding of current technologies and the strategy and skills to integrate them into the classroom. When you earn your Educational Technology Master's Degree from DeVry University, you'll learn advanced methodologies, tools, and processes that include e-learning, remote hardware access, and simulations. Upon graduation, you'll be prepared to integrate your newfound talents to facilitate learning in the classrooms of any school.
Many Ways To Learn
DeVry offers classes several different ways:
- At a DeVry campus location
- Online
- Through collaborative extended classrooms
Master's Degree in Educational Technology Career Overview
Across the country, schools are striving to incorporate the latest in technology-oriented educational tools and methods into their curricula. Having specific education technology knowledge can make you a valuable asset to your school. Elementary and secondary school teachers who earn a Master of Science in Educational Technology (MSET) often move into the role of instructional coordinator, educational technology trainer, or educational technologist. With an expertise in educational technology, you'll be well prepared to help improve the quality of education in your school or district. Having a master's degree credential can help to advance your career and increase your earning potential.
Areas of Opportunity When you earn your master's degree in Educational Technology from DeVry University, you'll be prepared for advanced career opportunities in both public and private school and district settings. You will also have the credentials to be an independent consultant or professional development specialist in a number of growing educational technology areas. These include:
- Instructional Coordinator: Develop instructional materials, train teachers, and assess educational programs in terms of quality and adherence to regulations and standards. Recommend and oversee the installation and implementation of new technologies into the classroom.
- Educational Technologist: Design technology-oriented staff development opportunities, and support teachers as they integrate technology into their classrooms.
- Educational Technology Trainer: Empower teachers to improve student learning in the classroom, and administrators to make positive changes in their school systems, by helping educators learn and incorporate new technologies that meet both curricular and technology standards.
Career Responsibilities DeVry University graduates in MSET will be prepared to enter these growing fields by being able to:
- Integrate educational technologies into teaching methods, based on sound instructional systems design
- Master the technical skills to use technology tools
- Develop a plan to implement educational technology strategies at the district or school level
- Employ competencies when confronted with legal matters
- Search for and evaluate the best instructional technologies for the best price
- Set up an e-learning community
To learn more about required and elective courses for the Educational Technology master's degree program, as well as to view individual course descriptions, please see the DeVry University graduate academic catalog. Important information about the educational debt, earnings, and completion rates of students who attended DeVry can be found at