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Bachelor of Science in Lebensmittel- und Ernährungswissenschaften

Carson-Newman University


USA (Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika)


Campus, Online




Lebensmittelwissenschaft, Ernährungswissenschaften und Diätetik




Bachelor of Science (BSc)


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Beschreibung des Programms

Bachelor of Science in Foods and Nutrition Studies

The Mission of Foods and Nutrition major with or without Dietetics emphasis (Didactic Program in Nutrition and Dietetics) is to provide students a high quality academic preparation in foods and nutrition that enables graduates to successfully procure a variety of related employment opportunities and concurrently offer service courses and expertise to other areas of the University while seeking academic excellence and Christian integrity.

Potential Careers in Foods, Nutrition, and Dietetics

Professionals in dietetics apply principles of food and nutrition to maintain health, improve or manage chronic disease, improve athletic performance, and help people make healthy food choices. This field is a growing profession that can offer many exciting and rewarding career pathways. Dietitians work in a variety settings and can be specialized within the field. Some examples include:

  • Clinical and Medical Nutrition Therapy.
  • Community Nutrition and Public Health.
  • Corporate Wellness.
  • Food Industry, Regulatory, and Product Development.
  • Food Service Management.
  • Media and Journalism.
  • Research.
  • Private Practice and Consultation.
  • Sports Nutrition.

Picture above: Dr. Kitty Coffey and Dr. Kimberly Johnson present Senior, Maddie Reynolds with the 2016 Roberts Award for Outstanding Graduate in Dietetics. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) website at also provides additional information about career opportunities. In order to prepare well-qualified graduates for careers in foods, nutrition, and dietetics, Carson-Newman University offers a rigorous program designed to meet current academic standards and fulfill the knowledge competencies required of the registered dietitian. Non-dietetics majors can select career paths that do not require the RDN credential but utilize a person’s skill and knowledge base in foods and nutrition. Positions could be in consumer sciences, extension, public health, nutrition research, journalism, food service and food manufacturing.

Picture above: Attending the C-N Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD) luncheon at the 2015 Foods & Nutrition Conference & Expo in Nashville were six DPD students, three DPD alumni, and three FCS Advisory Board members along with faculty hosts Dr. Kitty Coffey and Dr. Kimberly Johnson.

Accreditation Status of the DPND:

The current Didactic Program in Nutrition and Dietetics (DPND) was accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) in 2006. ACEND is located at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) headquarters at 120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60606; 800-877-1600, ext. 5400;, ACEND establishes a complete set of standards, knowledge and competency statements that must be met by all accredited dietetics programs. Completion of the DPND permits students to be eligible to apply for an accredited Dietetic Internship (DI) during their senior year if they have met the required cumulative GPA of 2.8 or higher and have completed (or in progress) all required coursework to receive the degree in Foods and Nutrition with an emphasis in Dietetics.

Picture above: The Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics Site Visitors for reaffirmation of the Didactic Program in Dietetics visit C-N February 21-23, 2016. Left to right: Dr. Kitty Coffey, Director DPD at C-N; Dr. Astrid Inniss, D.C. Dept. of Health, Washington, DC; Dr. Kimberly Johnson, Associate Professor C-N DPD; Ms. Kelli Killingsworth, MPH, University of Turabo, Puerto Rico; Mrs. Susan Brantley, MS, Adjunct C-N DPD; Dr. Betty Larson, Concordia College, Moorhead, MN The Department of Family and Consumer Sciences also offers a non-dietetics track in the Foods and Nutrition program area of study. This program does not require ACEND accreditation and therefore allows the student to have a more flexible course of study that can prepare one for a variety of career paths in foods and nutrition. All foods and nutrition majors (DPND track and non-dietetics track) are one of seven specialty areas of study within the Family and Consumer Sciences discipline. Therefore, all FND students are afforded the opportunity to become Certified in Family and Consumer Sciences (C.F.C.S.) during the last semester of their senior year as Carson-Newman’s American Association of Family and Consumers Sciences accredited Department offers curricula in each program area which meet the required standards and a core body of knowledge for FCS graduates. FCS faculty can assist any student interested in earning the CFCS credential during their senior year.

Goals and Measurable Outcomes of the DPND 2011-2016 Cycle:

The DPND program/faculty at CN strives to meet or exceed the following goals and objectives that are important to the success of our graduates:

GOAL 1: The program will provide a high-quality Bachelor of Science program in foods, nutrition, and dietetics which will enable students to gain a mastery of the knowledge, skills, and competencies required of entry-level credentialed dietitians and nutritionists. The program will prepare competent and caring graduates who aspire to professional growth and development by offering a program that meets the 2012 Accreditation Standards established by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND). Over a five year period:

  • 70% of enrolled DPND students in the third year of the bachelor’s level DPND program will complete the program/degree requirements within 150% of the time planned for completion.
  • 60% of DPND graduates will apply to supervised practice programs the same academic year they complete the program.
  • 80% of those applying to supervised practice programs the academic year they complete the program will be accepted.
  • 50% of DPND graduates not continuing on to supervised practice will be employed in an entry-level position or have enrolled in an advanced education program.
  • The pass rate for DPND graduates taking the registration examination will be 80% on the first attempt.
  • 70% of DPND graduates completing supervised practice programs will be employed in entry-level positions.
  • 100% of the 2012 Accreditation Standards will be integrated into the DPND course content and evaluations.
  • 80% of graduates surveyed will evaluate their coursework as good or excellent preparation for professional work in foods, nutrition, and dietetics.
  • 80% of DPND students will participate as members of the C-N Student Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (SAND) and student members of the Association of Nutrition and Dietetics.

GOAL 2: Support other program areas within the college including student life, nursing, pre-health professions, exercise science, and athletic training by providing required and elective courses as well as service learning.

  • The introductory foods and nutrition courses will serve an average of 80 students annually from health-related professions and other majors (non-FCS/DPND).
  • 75% of students from the health/sports related majors will rate the introductory foods and nutrient courses as overall good to excellent in an exit survey.
  • The DPND students and/or faculty will provide annually at least one educational program related to food/nutrition and well-being for Community Life and Worship (CLW) credit.
  • 75% of DPND students will participate annually in at least one service-learning project sponsored by the University, Department, or SAND.
  • At least 80% of employers will indicate positive satisfaction with DPND graduates.

Yearly outcome data is available on request from the DPND director, Dr. Kitty Coffey at

Admission Requirements:

The Department of Family and Consumer Sciences offers two tracks for Foods and Nutrition majors:

1) Foods and Nutrition major with Dietetics emphasis (DPND track): This is the program as described above that a student would select if s/he seeks to become a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist (RDN). Once the student meets university admission requirements, there are no additional requirements for admission to the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences. College admission requirements are listed in the current Carson-Newman Undergraduate Catalog. Currently two requirements must be met for Admission to the Didactic Program in Nutrition and Dietetics upper division courses: 1.C or higher is also required in all FN courses; BIOL 207/208, 305/306, 316; CFS 206, 30; CHEM 103/104, 301, 310; COMM 135/230; CS 135, 432; ENG 101, 201, 301; FCS 121; FCS 421; FCSE 424; MATH 201; and 2.a cumulative GPA 2.8* or higher; However, your nutrition faculty also recommend: 3.B or higher in FN 114, FN 214, FN 310; The student will need to complete and submit an official application by April 15 of their sophomore year (Appendix, p. 24) to the DPND Director in person or mailed to: DPND Director, CN Box 71881, Jefferson City, TN 37760. *Please be aware that GPA’s above 3.2 improve the student’s likelihood of securing a supervised practice program after graduation, which is required to earn the RDN credential. Carson-Newman University does not offer a Dietetic Internship or supervised practice program, but the application process is described below and in the DPND Student Handbook.

2) Foods and Nutrition major (non-dietetics emphasis): Students may select this major if s/he has an interest in the foods and nutrition discipline and seeks career opportunities in culinary, food industry, food sales, food service management, public health, family and consumer sciences, and extension service. Many of these positions and career paths do not require the RDN credential but may require graduate study or other training. Food and Nutrition faculty are available to discuss this curriculum option which is presented in the current Carson-Newman Undergraduate Catalog. Admission requirements are the same as those for the University which are also listed in the current catalog.

Program Costs

Family and consumer sciences majors will be responsible for tuition, room and board, and meal costs listed in the current Carson-Newman Undergraduate Catalog. Foods, nutrition, and dietetics majors at Carson-Newman University will be responsible for the following additional estimated costs:

  • Laboratory Coat $25.00-$40.00.
  • Student Membership fee to Academy $50.00/year (join junior year at latest) and optional local chapters ($10.00/year).
  • Student chapter of Academy (SAND) may require nominal membership and activity fees.
  • Laboratory Fees for FN 310, FN 313, FN 316, CS 432 will each have a fee ranging from $50.00 to $100.00.
  • FN 466 Field Experience in FND Externship Manual $5.00.
  • Honors Banquet attendance every Spring if you apply for departmental scholarships ~ $25.00/Spring Semester.

Degree Requirements:

All areas of study within the department include a senior internship/field experience program for application of college concepts and training. Foods, Nutrition, and Dietetics majors complete a 150-hour field experience with a Registered Dietitian and one-semester cooperative management learning experience in Duncan Hall Cooperative Management and Housing Lab.

1) Dietetics Track. The following curriculum will meet the requirements for a Bachelor of Science in Foods and Nutrition with an Emphasis in Dietetics. This curriculum fulfills the required DPND requirements necessary to apply for a Dietetic Internship to pursue the RDN credential. Currently the program requires a total of 128 credit hours, which is divided into General Education (45 hours), Family and Consumer Sciences Core (13 hours), FND Specialization (34 hours), Support Disciplines (35 hours), and one elective hour. The synopsis sheet is provided.

2) Non-dietetics track. This curriculum will meet the requirements for a Bachelor of Science in Foods and Nutrition. The synopsis sheet is attached. A student can meet with his/her advisor to select appropriate courses that will fulfill a Minor of choice and help the student tailor his/her course of study for his/her chosen career path.

Pursuing a Dietetic Internship after Carson-Newman

An FND student will begin the Dietetic Internship (DI) application process late fall semester through January of their senior year. The food and nutrition faculty will encourage all DPND students to plan their four-year academic program with purpose and intent in order to be well qualified for a DI. A strong GPA (above 3.2), solid GRE examination score, and evidence of professional leadership, community service, and pertinent work experience will strengthen a student’s application. One can find information about the competitive nature of the Dietetic Internship application process on the ACEND website. The DPND Student Handbook also provided additional information about how to successfully complete the DI application process. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics at also explains the different paths to become a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist.

Student Handbooks for FND Majors

The Department of Family and Consumer Sciences has published a handbook for use by all FCS students. DPND students will also need to refer to the DPND Student Handbook for additional information pertinent to their success in the dietetics program. These handbooks provide reference information about the FCS program and DPND programs, goals and objectives of each program, curriculum and suggested four-year course of study, scholarship and award information, and career guidance.

Student Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (SAND)

The chartered Student Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (SAND) is recognized as Carson-Newman University’s student chapter of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. All FND students are granted membership into this professional club which seeks to provide opportunities for students to network professionally, serve the local and campus community, and share their knowledge and passion for the field with each other. Students can serve on the board for this organization which helps students develop their leadership and advocacy skills. As an organization, students have attended dietetic internship forums, local, state, and national meetings and conferences, and have organized community health fairs, wellness seminars, and cooking demonstrations.

Foods, Nutrition, and Dietetics Graduates of Carson-Newman

Carson-Newman University is proud of its graduates in the FND program areas. Many of our alumni are working as Registered Dietitian/Nutritionists in acute care clinical dietetics setting practicing medical nutrition therapy. Some graduates are even in subspecialties of oncology, metabolic support, and bariatrics. Graduates are also working in long-term care, in both clinical and food-service management roles. Several of our graduates (with and without the RDN credential) have pursued careers in public health as WIC nutritionists, school food management, eating disorders and behavioral therapy, sports nutrition and wellness, the mission field, and as a consumer scientist with a premier home appliances manufacturer.

Informationen über das Institut

Carson-Newman is a growing Christian liberal arts university located in East Tennessee, recognized as one of the best value schools in the region. Carson-Newman is a growing Christian liberal arts university located in East Tenessee, recognized as one of the best value schools in the region. Here students are encouraged to grow in their faith and explore their calling. We have a strong commitment to local and international service, following the example Jesus set.

Our faith is the foundation for our entire campus: challenging academic programs, competitive NCAA athletics, student clubs, and activities. At Carson-Newman, we work hard, compete fiercely and prepare students for a variety of career fields. As a liberal arts university, we take a comprehensive approach to your college experience. Whether you are an undergraduate, adult or graduate student, we want your college experience to shape your academic, spiritual and personal growth. That's why our excellent faculty take time to teach and to build relationships with students. Our approach to a liberal arts education is focused on helping you identify and further your calling—who did God create you to be? You'll learn to ask questions, discover what motivates you and grow in character.

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