The goals of the ultrasound technician program are to train students to become professional sonographers in the medical field, to reach to develop interpersonal skills in interacting with patients and medical administrators, to train them to utilize sound waves to produce pictures of the human body while in the examination procedure, to assist to improve the ability to practice proper patient care, to make the sure student have ability to procedure high-quality image with optimum info to diagnosis process, and to provide understanding, medical ability, problem-solving skill to work in sonography occupation.
Graduates of this program may assume a responsible position as a member of the health team in a hospital, imaging center, doctor’s office, or clinic. Positions may also be available in private practice, industry, or government. Duties may include performing ultrasound scans of the upper abdomen, pelvic area, microscopic/scopic, anatomy of veins and arteries, or superficial structures.